Vistar creative categories to IAB content categories mapping

Vistar will be transitioning to using IAB content categories in the future. In the meantime, you will still be able to select from both Vistar creative categories and IAB content categories when applying categories, however all Vistar categories will be displayed with an asterisk as they will be mapped to an IAB category and eventually deprecated. 

Note: Restricting a parent IAB creative category automatically restricts all its child categories. For example, if you restrict IAB11 Law, Government, & Politics, all child categories under it, such as IAB11-5 Law, Government, & Politics | Commentary, is also be blocked.

Below is the current mapping of Vistar to IAB categories:

Vistar and IAB categories

The following list displays the full breakdown of Vistar and IAB content categories with their corresponding codes.

If coordinating with a 3P DSP about a creative category, Vistar recommends referring to the IAB content category rather than the category listed in the ad platform. Please refer to Creative Categories Restrictions for 3P DSPs for more details.

Note: In the restrictions view, users can select both Vistar* and IAB categories for their venues/networks. All Vistar categories will be displayed with an asterisk as they will be mapped to an IAB category and eventually deprecated. 


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