Build a diagnostics report

The Diagnostics dashboard enables you to monitor the health of your network and view network trends over time. These insights allow you to take proactive measures in maintaining a robust integration, to ensure that you do not lose any revenue.

There are two tabs available in the Diagnostics dashboard:

  • Network Health Overview—View information about the health of your network or multiple networks that are currently live in production.
  • Insights—View the delivery trends (such as the amount of requested ads) across networks and venues. You can build reports to get more granular information about the performance of individual venues within a given timeframe or geographic region. Additionally, you can export a list of unregistered (but actively requesting) venues.

By using this dashboard, you can quickly identify network or venue-related performance issues and take proactive measures to resolve these issues promptly.

For more information about the Diagnostics dashboard concepts and use cases, see The Diagnostics dashboard and the Integration health assessment guide.

This article outlines the following procedures:

To view and export network health overview
  1. Log in to the ad platform at
  2. Click Diagnostics. The Network Health Overview tab appears by default. The summary table includes the following information:

    Header Description
    Network name The name of the network.
    Total venue count The number of venues registered in a given network.
    Requesting venues (today) The current number of venues (unique venue IDs) requesting ads on that specific day. This is in the local time of the current day. Note that it is possible for the number of requesting venues to be greater than the Total Venue Count, if not all requesting venues are set up in the ad platform.
    Percent (%) of requesting venues (today) The current percentage of venues requesting ads on that specific day. This is in the local time of the current day.
    Avg. expiration rate (past month) The number of manually expired spots in the past month (last 30 days) divided by the number of leased spots in the last 30 days, as a percentage.
    Avg. expiration rate (past day) The number of manually expired spots in the past day divided by the number of leased spots in the past day, as a percentage. For example, if the current day is September 9th, the rate is calculated based on September 8 at 12AM to September 8 at 11:59PM.
    Expiration rate diff

    The percentage difference between the average expiration rate (past full day) and average expiration rate (past month). Trending indicators appear to show whether the rate is trending high or low over time.

    - Blue indicators pointing down—Trending rate is low, which is good.

    - Red indicators pointing up—Trending rate is high.

    Spend rate (past month) The number of reported spots (also known as spent spots) in the last 30 days divided by the number of leased spots.
    Spend rate (past day) The number of spent spots in the past day divided by the number of leased spots.
    Spend rate diff

    The percentage difference between the spend rate (past day) and spend rate (past month). Trending indicators appear to show whether the rate is trending high or low over time.

    - Blue indicators pointing up—Trending rate is high, which is good.

    - Red indicators pointing down—Trending rate is low, meaning the network spend rate is lower than it was in the previous month.

  3. (Optional) Click the header name of a column to change the order of the table.
  4. Click Export. A CSV file downloads to your computer, which includes a list of every network that is currently live in production.

Note that when you open the exported report, the following three columns appear in addition to the columns listed in step 2:

  • Requesting Venues (Past Month)—The sum total of venues that requested in the past 30 days.
  • % of Requesting Venues (Past Month)—The percentage of venues that made ad requests in the past 30 days. This is calculated by dividing the value in the column Requesting Venues (Past Month) by the total number of venues in the network.
  • Requesting Venues Diff—This is the percentage difference of requesting venues (Past Day versus the Past Month).
To view and export insights
  1. Log in to the ad platform at
  2. Click Diagnostics. The Network Health Overview tab appears by default.
  3. Click the Insights tab. The table is empty until you apply a date range, filters, group by options, and so on. 
  4. Click Date Range to define the time period of your report. By default, the past seven days is selected for all active orders.
  5. Choose one of the following options for the Date Range:
    • Select a predefined time period
      • Today
      • Yesterday
      • Last 7 Days
      • Last 30 Days
      • Week To Date
      • Month To Date
      • Quarter To Date
      • Last Month
      • Last Year
      • Year To Date
    • Select a custom time period
      1. Click the arrows next to the month and year to adjust your time period.
      2. Select your start date and then your end date.

        Note: You cannot select a predefined time period and select a custom time period.
  6. Click Apply. The Date Range is saved and the button updates to the selected dates. For example, Date Range: 1/22/2019 - 1/28/2019 or Date Range: Last Year.
  7. Click Networks to select one or more networks to view the delivery stats. You can enter a string of text in the search field to find a specific network.

    : If a network is not selected, the Venue filter option is deactivated. You cannot select a venue as a filter until you select one or more networks. 
  8. Select one or more network names and click Apply. The network selection is saved and the button updates to the number of selected networks. For example, Network: 3 selected
  9. Click Filter and then select one or more options from the predefined drop-down lists:
    • Venue
      • This field is deactivated if you do not select a network from the Networks drop-down list.
      • Venue names are preceded by the network name so that it is easier to find venues.
      • (Optional) Click Bulk Paste in the Venue field to paste multiple venue IDs into a single modal and add them as a filter. You can separate the venue IDs by commas or by lines. Click Save and the venue IDs are added to the right of the drop-down lists.
    • Venue Group
    • Venue Type
    • State
    • DMA
    • Zip Code

      • Geographic filtering options vary by country. For example, accounts in the United States (US) include State, DMA, and Zip Code. Accounts in Canada (CA) include Province, City, and Postal Code. Accounts in the United Kingdom (UK) include Conurbation, Town, TV Area, and Postcode Sector. Accounts in Australia (AU) include Postal Area and State.
      • Currently, when Geographic filters and / or group bys are applied, venues with zero requests are filtered from the report. To view non-requesting venues, do not set any geo filters or group bys when generating the report. 

        Tags appear to the right of the drop-down lists as you select the venue or venue type.
  10. Click Apply. The filters are saved and the button updates with the number of selected filters. For example, Filters: 5 Selected.
  11. Click Group by and select one or more of the following options:
    • Columns
      • Network
      • Venue
      • Venue Type
      • State
      • DMA
      • Zip Code

        • Geographic filtering options vary by country. For example, accounts in the United States (US) include State, DMA, and Zip Code. Accounts in Canada (CA) include Province, City, and Postal Code. Accounts in the United Kingdom (UK) include Conurbation, Town, TV Area, and Postcode Sector. Accounts in Australia (AU) include Postal Area and State.
        • Currently, when Geographic filters and / or group bys are applied, venues with zero requests are filtered from the report. To view non-requesting venues, do not set any geo filters or group bys when generating the report. 
    • Date Interval
      • Hour
        • Note: Customers in regions observing Daylight Savings Time or Summer Time may notice an hour of missing data in the report that corresponds to the period during which the clocks were adjusted forward.
      • Day
      • Week
      • Month
      • Quarter
  12. Click Apply. The groups are saved and the button updates with the number of selected groups. For example, Group by: 3 Selected.
  13. Click Load Report. The data table appears with information based on the filters you selected in the previous steps.

    Note: The diagnostics dashboard uses the time of the ad request, not the requested display time. Vistar uses the time that the POP (proof of play) is called to determine spend time rather than the overridden display time. 

    Depending on the filters and group by options you selected, the summary table includes the following information:
    • Network name—The name of the network with which the venue is associated.
    • Venue ID—Unique identifier for the venue.
    • Venue name—The name of the venue.
    • Requested spots—Number of times a venue requested an ad.
    • Leased spots—Number of ads sent back to a requesting venue.
    • Spent spots—Number of playbacks reported back to Vistar. You can hover over the tooltip to reveal an explanation of this column.
    • Manually expired—Number of ads manually expired.
    • Spend rate—Spent spots divided by leased spots as a percentage value. You can hover over the tooltip to reveal an explanation of this column.
    • Manual expiration rate—The number of leased spots divided by the number of manually expired spots as a percentage value.

      This table is updated every 30 minutes to keep Admin users well-informed.
  14. (Optional) Click the header name of a column to change the order of the table.
  15. (Optional) Enter a string of text in the Search field to search by venue ID, network name, or venue name. The venue list reduces as you type the string of text.
  16. Click Export. A CSV file of your customized table downloads to your computer, which includes a list of every venue that is currently live in production.
To export list of unregistered venues only
  1. Log in to the ad platform at
  2. Click Diagnostics. The Network Health Overview tab appears by default.
  3. Click the Insights tab. The table is empty.
  4. Click the Export drop-down list and select Export unregistered venues only. Note that filters and group bys do not apply when exporting this report. 

A CSV file downloads to your computer. It includes actively requesting venues in your account that were unregistered at any point during the past seven days. Once the venues are registered, they will not appear in the following day's report.

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