Auto-register a player

Cortex supports auto-registration in a couple ways depending on your player version. If you are installing a player between versions 2.33 and 2.43, an auto-registration binary is included during player installation/upgrade, requiring you to run the binary as an executable. If you are installing player version 2.44 and above, auto-registration is built into the player and you can skip running the executable. 

For versions 2.33 - 2.43 For versions 2.44 and above

Complete the following steps in order:

  1. Install the Cortex Player.
  2. Run the auto-registration binary with the correct arguments.
  3. Run the Cortex Player.

Complete the following steps in order: 

  1. Install the Cortex player or agent
  2. Run the player or agent with the correct commands

Player Versions 2.33 - 2.43

Run the executable 

Executable location

  • Linux—An executable named autoreg is available in the installation directory (for example: /opt/cortex/player/).
  • Windows—An executable named autoreg.exe is available in the installation directory.

After you run the autoreg binary, it should:

  • Register the player if there is no existing registration information.
    • Note: You can find the registration.json file in the following locations, depending on your operating system:
      • Linux: ~/.cortex/storage/registration.json
      • Windows: %appdata%/Cortex/Player/storage/registration.json
  • Show console messages for both Linux and Windows.

You need to include required arguments when running the auto-registration binary. Use the following command to run the auto-registration binary:

 user@host:~$ /opt/cortex/player/current/autoreg \
  -media-owner-secret="secret" \
  -device-name="name" \
  -venue-id="venue_id" \
  -network-name="existing network name"
$ start autoreg.exe
-media-owner-secret="secret" ^
-device-name="name" ^
-venue-id="venue_id" ^
-network-name="existing network name"


Supported arguments

You can use to ./autoreg --help list all possible arguments, or view the following table for supported arguments:

Command line arguments Description Type Required
-device-name The name of your device in Fleet. String Required
-media-owner-secret Obtain the media owner secret key from Vistar. String Required
-network-name The name of your network in Fleet. String Optional
-silent* Auto-registration command will execute silently. String Optional
-venue-id Corresponding venue_id in Vistar’s ad platform. String Optional

*Note: If the -silent argument is used, you will not see console messages and can check log files.

Player Version 2.44 and Above

As of player version 2.44, the player and agent both have built-in registration functionality. In order to register either a player or agent, run the player or agent with commands or flags defined below for the appropriate OS. If the device has already been registered it will skip the registration step and launch the player. Otherwise, the device register into the fleet and launch the player.

/opt/cortex/player/current/CortexPlayer \
--auto-register \
--media-owner-secret="secret" \
--device-name="name" \
--venue-id="venue_id" \
--network-name="existing network name"
start CortexPlayer.exe
--auto-register ^
--media-owner-secret="secret" ^
--device-name="name" ^
--venue-id="venue_id" ^
--network-name="existing network name"
Linux Agent
$ start autoreg.exe
-media-owner-secret="secret" ^
-device-name="name" ^
-venue-id="venue_id" ^
-network-name="existing network name"
Windows Agent
start agent.exe
--auto-register ^
--media-owner-secret="secret" ^
--device-name="name" ^
--venue-id="venue_id" ^
--network-name="existing network name"


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