Search for devices in Fleet

You can find devices in Fleet by using the search field in the Device List view. The search field is powered by Elasticsearch, which enables you to use advanced search functionality in the search field. You can find your devices by searching different properties, such as device names, strategies, networks, operating systems and so on.

The following table includes helpful operators that can be used in the search field on the Device List page:

Operator Description Example Results of example
" " Add quotes (“) around your search entry for exact search results. “test device”

Search results show every device that exactly matches test device.

Note: If you were to enter test device (without the quotes) in the search field, your results would show every device that included test or device.

AND Search for devices that include both terms by adding AND in between two entries. Linux AND test Search results show devices that only include both Linux and test.
OR Search for devices that include either terms by adding OR in between two entries. Linux OR test Search results show devices that include Linux or test.
current_version Search for devices running specific versions. current_version: 2.28.5 Search results include devices that are currently running version 2.28.5.

Search for which devices using the agent.

You can enter one of the following:

  • true—To search for devices using the agent.
  • false—To search for devices not using the agent.
is_agent: true Search results include devices that are using the agent. 

Search for devices that are online, offline, or hibernating.

You can enter one of the following:

  • 0—To search for online devices.
  • 1—To search for hibernating devices.
  • 2—To search for offline devices.
status:0-- note there is no space between the colon and number Search results include devices that are online. 
network_name Search for devices under a specific network. network_name: LG testing Search results include devices devices in the LG testing network.
os_platform Search for devices running a specific operating system (OS). os_platform: linux Search results include devices using Linux.
strategy_name Search for devices using a specific strategy. strategy_name: Multiple App Testing Search results include devices using the Multiple App Testing strategy.

You can search for devices with certain MAC addresses, IP addresses, etc. by entering the address in the search bar with no special operator. These properties include: 

  • Name
  • MAC address
  • IP address 
  • Device ID (e.g. d-066b0bf6-5bd1-4602-6623-184fa985ed4)
  • Tags

The following operators are reserved characters: + - = && || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ” ~ * ? : \ /. The two characters, < and >, cannot be escaped at all.

To use any reserved characters in the search field, you must escape them with a leading backslash. For example, to search for (1+1)=2, you need to enter your query as the following: \(1\+1\)\=2.

See Query string syntax in the Elasticsearch documentation to learn more about using other characters in the search field.

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