Device List view

You can view a list of your devices by logging in to Fleet and click Devices in the side navigation bar. This view provides you with insight into all of the devices in your account. You can click an individual device name from the page to view the details page (see Device overview for more information). Or, stay in this view and quickly navigate through the details by clicking the row (not the hyperlink) of a device.

The Device List table includes the following fields:

  • Status—This column indicates the device's status. The green upward arrow icon indicates an online device, the red downward arrow indicates an offline device, and the moon icon indicates a hibernating device.
  • Name—This column includes device names. You can edit a device's name anytime after registration. 
  • Current Strategy—This column includes the strategies that are currently deployed on each device.
  • Network—This column includes the device's Cortex network. You can edit a device's network anytime after registration.
  • OS—This column includes the device's operating system.
  • Version—This column includes the Cortex Player version that is currently running on each device.
  • Tags—The tag column shows all user generated tags. This column does not include system generated tags (these have an underscore in the beginning) such as _all and _device's_network_name.

You can click the row of a device and a sidebar appears to the right of the view. This sidebar includes the details of the device that are previously listed, in addition to the following information:

  • Device ID—Alphanumeric number associated with the device.
  • Connection Status—A visual representation of the player uptime over the past 24 hours.
    • Note that below the status bar, you can view when your device was last offline. This shows information up to the past two months.
  • Current Strategy—In addition to showing the strategy that is currently deployed, it includes the amount of time that a strategy has been running. For example, The strategy has been running since 12 days ago.
  • Display Status—Thumbnail images of the current deployed strategy.
  • Device Type—
  • IP Addresses—IP addresses associated with the device.
  • MAC Addresses—MAC addresses associated with the device.


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